
Your company's theme or catchline

Some Links

Top Story

This news is worth noticing and must be displayed on the front page.

Another template submission for owd

This template is good for any general purpose. It is XHTML 1.0 strict and CSS2 compliant and I would envision it's use for personal or business blog.

This template is released as public domain template and you are free to use the way you like.

This also has current link indicator which will change the color of the link for the page you are on. This feature can come in handy when you have complex navigation.

I have tried to make this design look good on most text styles but only tested on IE and Firefox. If you find that this breaks on other browsers, please let me know and will be happy to fix it.

Some random text - (example of h1)

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nulla nec turpis quis mi lacinia dapibus. Maecenas mattis vehicula justo. Nulla et tellus. Suspendisse vitae magna.

See how h2 looks like

Example of list:
  • one
  • two

And then there is h3