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»today: April 27th, 2006

I made this page on my birthday for the OSWD.org. I just recently got into design and this is my first one. All is done in CSS and XHTML 1.0 Strict. This would be a good site for personal or for business. All the images on this page are royalty free and I used Dreamweaver 8.0 for all of the design and the GIMP 2.0 for all of my graphics. I was browsing through old photos on the internet when I got the inspiration for this site. I just love the "old school" vans in the picture above. The symbol to the left is the chinese symbol for defense which is a great lesson for all people to remember to defend the ones we love. Well I am going to stop rambling and switch over to some real filler text. Thanks for looking at my design. If you decide to use it, please give me credit in the footer. That is all that I ask. Other than that, chop it up, recycle it, and make it fit your own style!

»Yesterday: April 26th, 2006

Nó ava calta orosta artaquetta, ré fëa riel ilca telpina. Túr ronyo orosta cé, eru cíla caimassë mi, suhto turma métima vi erë. Her cú tengwo maquetta ascarima, ná rata cala aicassë var, heri hérincë ai sac. Findë nahamna sú low, né tixë nirya rimpë ilu. Ílë collo cenda náhanemnam ar, tur cenda hantalë oa. Línë vaina sa loc, rempa melissë má aha.

Tië raita sanga or. Mí lëo ataquë ettelen, fui yá tixë terenë. Rambë orosta amilessë lië ar, ilu nú tárë yulma lindalë. Lav et raxë engë raita, coa aiquen nuquéra mi, lár ma varnë naraca.

Yav en aini valarauko alatúvëaúra, lívë remba man lú. Aru up collo lanwa winga, cé collo lanwa tuo. Orva valinor mel uë. Oia occo queni to. Aqua luinë cú núr, lis remba nyéni ciryapanda lú. Nar ré eques estel liptë, cu loa fion tacil.